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Picture of Alfred Burton Welch

Alfred Burton Welch

(September 26, 1874 — June 30, 1945). Served with Company D, 1st Washington Volunteer Infantry in the Philippines, April 30, 1898 to November 1, 1899.

Saturday 12-24-98

A small box came from Miss Son. Half of regiment yet in trenches. Worked on plat all day. Sergt Burtt and I took walk in

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Monday 12-26-98

Slept all a.m. and felt sad the rest of the day. Sung at 4th Cav. funeral, als our band turned out. Very hot. Fix and

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Wednesday 12-28-98

Map nearly ready for tracing. Co. A came in from trenches this morning and we go out to outpost in Singalon[g] tomorrow. Hot today, but

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Thursday 12-29-98

Started to Singalon[g] at 6.30 relieved 1st Idaho at 7. Sergt Burtt at b.h. 12, 2nd Lieut Lamping at b.h. 13. Made maps of good,

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Friday 12-30-98

Relieved at 7.30 by Co’s C & F 1st Wn. Marched home for breakfast. All shops closed, hardly any native on the streets & from

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Saturday 12-31-98

Muster –inspection &c in a.m. In p.m. Sergts Coombs, Huckins, Corp Welch, Musicians MacKay and Eldridge & Private Woods, sang in Y.M.C.A. tent close to

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Monday 1-2-99

Same order in force and were issued smokeless. Expect to be called out today, on account of the order coming from Washington to take the

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Tuesday 1-3-99

Up at reveille and surveyed in Paco. Took Glasia [Iglesia] Paco and the old Philipino [Filipino] priest was a good entertainer. 85 years ago this

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Wednesday 1-4-99

Platted in a.m., downtown in eve. Co. A transferred to 3rd batt & changed quarters to Paco. Sergt. Burtt & I went to Glasia [Iglesia]

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Thursday 1-5-99

Worked in Paco & platted in p.m. 32 men Co. D went to Pandacan. Wrote to Topsy and home. Jimmie McFadden Co. B Idaho hunted

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Friday 1-6-99

Platted in a.m. until 10 when I took road to Palace. Took dinner with Senor Y Senora Rivera, who are very well fixed. Dinner consisted

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Saturday 1-7-99

Took survey of Calle de Matate [Malate] in a.m. and in p.m. went with Sergt Burtt & Corp Fix & Priv Williams thro’ the cigar

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Sunday 1-8-99

Laid around all a.m. & in p.m. at 4, the boys sung at a funeral of a steward of the reserve hospital, in Paco Cemetery.

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Monday 1-9-99

Bugles played Pay Day March. Formed at Palace at 9 a.m. Got $39.12 –owed $13 to Sanford, $5.50 to Senora Rivera for two white suits,

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Wednesday 1-11th-99

Call to arms at 10 p.m. yesterday and at 10.30 were out in Paco, marching along with not a word spoken –not a cup rattling–

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Thursday 1-12-99

This makes three days and nights without my clothes being removed. About ½ our Co. went out to b.h. 11 and still the procession of buffalo

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Friday 1-13-99

3rd batt. Wash. called to arms and staid on line at b.h. 11 all night. Took notes in a.m. Had a long ride in p.m.

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Saturday 1-14-99

Last night a Penn. killed oner man on post & captured 3 others –and a force of 300 forced the pickets on our line. But

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Monday 1-16-99

Friday night at 9.00 we were deployed from the convent at b.h. 11 across the front to b.h. 12. The rice fields had been purposely

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Tuesday 1-17-99

Took it easy all day. Co. I buried their first man today. We are in command of a new outpost, “The Knoll,” between b.h.’s 11&12.

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Wednesday 1-18-99

Started letter to Topsy. Work in Ermita on map. Sung on the Luneta. Hot. The 6th Art. passed with a rush this morn with the

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Thursday 1-19-99

Worked on map all day. Hot. Boys resting today. Rumors about going home have set them wild and crazy as bed bugs.

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Friday 1-20-99

Worked in drafting office all day. Very tired and lonesome so will not write more. I always intensify my feelings when I write.

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Saturday 1-21-99

Banquet tendered to our quartette and band by 4th Cav. U.S.A. Was a swell affair under the gum trees at Casiono Paco –cor. Nozaleda y

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Sunday 1-22-99

Practiced at the Palace all a.m. & Tabocalaria [Tabacalera] in p.m. Went to call on Senorita Marcelanna in p.m. then the Glee Club serenaded the

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Monday 1-23-99

Practiced in Teatro de Filipino an a.m. Took dinner in a swell joint down town. Worked on map all rest of day until retreat. Went

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Tuesday 1-24-99

Downtown all day –brought white shoes 62½ American. Last Sat. or Fri. the Revolutionary Army Government was formed with Emilio Pio del Pilar (Aguinaldo) as

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