At dawn on the 5th Linao Point was visible, although indistinctly, and soon we could see the church of Aparri. We would undoubtedly have reached the anchorage if the wind had not dropped completely. Very early in the morning a panga came alongside and took us to the north beach of the islet, which lies in the mouth of the Cagayan or Tajo River, where we measured a base of 1,272 English feet, remaining there to fix all the points in sight.
At two o’clock in the afternoon we were able to reach the schooner Santa Isabel, which was anchored near the Santo Domingo monastery, where we intended to land with the intention of paying our respects to the fathers and of finding out if a reply had arrived from the present alcalde mayor of the province of Cagayan, Don Manuel Garray, to whom I had written beforehand to ask his help in finding us a vessel with which to finish our survey and return to Lingayen. Soon after our arrival we were informed that the alcalde mayor was already in the town and, on finding him in the monastery, he assured me that he had come down from Lal-lo, the principal town of the province, with the sole object of helping me in any way possible.