It has raigned most of the Night but at noon the Sky was clear and the Sun was out read Hot we have Service at 11 Clock at Headquarters and in the Evening we had Services at the Opera House after wich we listened to a fine Concert by Colerado Band Priv Morrow of Co H was buried in the afternoon at a place near Camp Dewy I walked over to the Wall City and took in the Sights wich interested me verry much Hustead is on the Sick List continued
in the Evening after we had our regular Souper consisting of Riece Soup and Bread and Coffee Lieut Charles Howard threated us to some niece peaches and Ginger Snaps for this desert in Honor of his Birthday we in turn gave him 3 good Hearty cheers and a dagger
It had rained all night but at noon the sky was clear and the sun was out red hot. We have service at 11 o’clock at headquarters. In the evening we had services at the Opera House after which we listened to a fine concert by the Colorado band. Private [James] Monroe of Company H was buried in the afternoon at a place near Camp Dewey. I walked over to the Wall City and took in the sights which interested me very much. [Frank] Hustead is on the sick list. In the evening we had our regular supper consisting of rice soup, bread and coffee. Lieutenant Charles Howard treated us to some nice peaches and ginger snaps for dessert in honor of his birthday. In turn, we gave him three good, hearty cheers and a dagger.