Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Busy day. Cool in the shade but hot when out in the sun.
After cooking breakfast and washing dishes in company with Bro. Owens called a the post office for mail. We separated. I mounted a horse car. An Astor Battery man paid my fare. I took several Kodak views out there, then called on the Astor’s in their quarters. They appeared glad to see me. Gave them 17 S.F. War Crys containing my articles re the Philippines. Were eager to get them. Did not have enough. Want to save the series. Gave them 1, copy 557, July 30p 4 of 563, Sept. 10, 4, 565, Sept. 24; 4 of 567, Oct. 18; 4; 568, Oct. 15.
The other day by Private Waterman I sent the 1st Battalion 1st South Dakota Vol. 5 copies 565 Sept. 24; 5 cop. 567, Oct 18; 20 cops. No. 568 Oct. 15.
To the 1st Battalion 1st Nebraska Vol. Inf. tonight I sent 5 cops. 563, 5 cops 565; 5 cops 567 and 5 cops 568. Am getting the War Crys circulated among the troops.
Visitors today 15. Do not count Filipinos & visitors to Rev. Owens.
From the Malate went into Old Manila to the Castle of San Jago [Fort Santiago] where are stationed the 23d U.S. reg. Inf. This is a very strange place indeed; medieval enough to suit the most exacting, with moats, walls, secret passengers, dungeons etc. The notorious Black Hole is under the powder magazine. At present is covered with ammunition. There is another closed by masonry on top in the bastion on the Malate side facing the inside & outside moats. Asked the officer of the day & also Lieut-Col French to go explore them, but the privilege was not granted. The U.S. authorities went to keep the misdeeds of the Spaniards in the background at present.
Returning home found Private Archer E. Temple of the regular U.S. Hospital Corps. of 2d Reserve Hospital writing to get advice re his future spiritual course. Belongs to S.F. No. 1 Corps. Gave him such advice as the Lord directed me.
U.S. soldiers gathered at No. 2 after supper. By request bought out the gramophone & gave them an exhibition. Finished up with prayer & singing & an exhortation for souls unsaved or unsatisfied to seek Jesus. None responded.
Spoke to a backslider at the 23d Inf. quarters re Christ.