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Saturday, November 26th, 1898

It has raigned all Night and the most part of the day in the afternon about 50 of our men hired a Yaught and went out in the Bay to visit our Recruits they also reported them all well 5 men where left in the Hospital at Honulula and one is home on a Fourlough the report having rough Weather most of the time but have had plenty to eat 3 of them sneaked of the Ships are came ashor spending the Night in our Quarters Set Beaghly and Milton Bryson are among the sick both with Malera Fever we recieved a Issue of fresh Meat and engaged 2 chinaman as Cooks Orv. Shrock a Recruit who was left in the Hosptial at Frisco arived on the Senator and takes up Quarters with us the same Men remain on the sick List no drill this day

It has rained all night and most of the day. In the afternoon, about 50 of our men hired a yacht and went out in the bay to visit our recruits. They reported them all well. Five men were left in the hospital at Honolulu and one is home on a furlough. They report having rough weather most of the time but have had plenty to eat. Three of them sneaked off the ships and came ashore spending the night in our quarters. Sid Beighley and [Melvin] Bryson are among the sick, both with malarial fever. We received an issue of fresh meat and engaged two Chinamen as cooks. [Elmer?] Schrock, a recruit who was left in the hospital in San Francisco, arrived on the Senator and took up quarters with us. The same men remain on the sick list. No drills this day.