Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. Calle Santa Elena, Tondo,
Dark, windy night; not pleasant for men who do picket duty in the presence of a wily foe. Did considerable rushing around today. –Bible reading and prayer; then breakfast; then mailed a letter & package of S.A. publications to Private George Berry, H. Co. 1st Montana –out in the trenches. May God’s blessing attend the letter & papers. Rec’d a paper –3 of them. Hired a carromata –Filipino driver. Drove out to Bilibid prison for civil and military prisoners & saw Major Edwin S. Bean who is in command of the same. The Major belongs to the 13th Minnesota vol. Inf. Bilibid is a jealously guarded prison. Visitors are kept out. The sentries however permitted me to pass in without trouble. Showed Major Bean the document rec’d from U.S. Headquarters. Did not read it as he was already familiar with its contents. Assented to meeting being held by the writer in the prison. Arrangements re details will be made with the Lieut. in charge tomorrow forenoon. Rejoicing over the success of my mission I jumped into the carromata & drove back to the Escolta where $1. worth (2 lbs) common bacon was purchased at a Spanish grocery store.
Next directed the driver to San Nicholas District –U.S. Quartermaster’s warehouse where I notified Private C. Scott & requested him to try to get off from duty to assist. The Quartermaster orderlies are kept busy every day and Sunday too. Got back to No. 2 Calle Santa Elena by noon. Paid the driver 50 cents Mexican money.
Passed the time till 3.45 p.m. readinf “The American,” part of “Encyclopedia Britanica” & studying a map of Houston, Texas. At 3.45 p.m. called at the post office –the second time today. Rec’d a letter from Wm Eletson of the “Olympia”, who sent a list of the Philippine squadron & the commanding officers of the ships. Down at the Quartermasters’ I had a talk with Corporal McLean of I Co. 1st Colorado Vol. Inf. He was 4 years a Salvationist at Denver, Col., but is now a deserter from Christ. Urged him to return. Seems inclined that way. Was smoking a cigar. Is troubled with rheumatism & assigned to Corregidor Island.
Near the Escolta Mrs. Paterson & I had a conversation also. Appears a kind, motherly lady. Is keeping a rooming house near Santa Ana plaza. Formerly resided opposite the Y.M.C.A. hall in Honolulu. She accosted me on the street by inquiring if I am Major Milsaps. Answered in the affirmative, when the conversation followed.
I was reminded of home today by seeingf a span of large U.S. government mules drawing a regulation army wagon piled high with military tents & other baggage. A rough looking man was driving. By his side sat a black negro boy. The outfil looked very homelike to me, but was a strange sight on the Escolta.