Manila, Luzon Island – Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo Dist.
One year ago today I embarked on the steamship “Newport” & sailed out of San Francisco harbor. An eventful year has passed into eternity and I have during the best part of two days been exploring my Diary to learn what use I made of the time. An epitomized resumé may prove helpful: Souls-professed conversion: 45, Do sanctification 10; swore in 6 recruits.
War Crys (San Francisco) circulated 3928 copies. Account was kept of these. Many more, including foreign Salvation Army publications, Tagalog New Testaments and Spanish Protestant literature, were put into the hands of the people.
Literary Work – Wrote 34 articles for the Salvation Army and secular press viz. San Francisco War Cry 21; Toronto, Canada do, 1; New York City, London, Eng. do. 1; Manila “American Soldier” (secular) 4 New York “Harbor Lights” (monthly) 1; London, “All the World”, 3; Melbourne, Australia, “Victory” (monthly) 2. Up to May 27th’99, the S.F. War Cry printed 25 by cutting the articles & by His process still have several. The New York Cry, reprinted some, ditto New York Swedish, ditto The California Chinese War Cry, No. 14 for Feb. 1899.
Additional to above I kept a Diary (large) in which was covered 1.049 pages and a small one (Vol. IV) from June 29th’98 to Dec. 31st’98 pages 186, making a total of 1,235 pages.
Letters written (copied) 450 pages.
Religious Meetings – led s.s. “Newport” 6 on Pacific Ocean; Honolulu (S.A. hall) 1, street 1 = 2; Dewey’s fleet, Manila bay, 6: Philippine Islands, open-air services, 7: Indoor services in No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, tents & various other shelters, 77 Hospital meetings indoors, 4; Prison services indoors, 17 Total meetings on sea & land, in houses & open – air 119, Bible classes taught on transport “Newport”, 8. on land – Manila 1; total 9. Visitation. Visits to hospitals in Mania & Cavite. 36 – American and Filipino. Visits to prisons, 2, visits to soldiers in barracks, camps, outposts on battle fields in trenches etc. in Manila, Paranaque, Camp Dewey, Ft Rice Cavite, La Loma cemetery, Caloocan, Apalit and San Fernando, 97 –Visit to Christians on H.M.S. “Powerful” I; total 136.
Note: Visits are not counted under this head when services were held. They are entered as services in such cases.
Miles Traveled. Visiting men in the trenches & in various towns caused much travel & took much time. Boats – steam, row boat etc. 807; railroad, 440; in carromatas, quilez’, mule team, etc. 51: walked, 52, total 1350 miles; steamship. San Francisco to Manila via Honolulu, 6,500. Grand total of miles traveled 7,840.
Additional to meetings, visitation, writing of articles etc. I had my own cooking to do, dish washing, bed making & other work which claims time & strength. So at the end of this year I raise my Ebenezer & say to the glory of my God, “Hitherto hath the Lord helped me.” He has protected me from danger on sea & land, supplied my every need & used me.
After breakfast went down to the Port Captain’s neighborhood, then to post office. Cashed $36, postal note from S.F. The Utah artillery men embarked & I missed saying good-bye to Bro. Ackarett. Was sorry.
Wrote & copied 4 letters: Lt.-Col Wm Evans, Lewis, Armstrong & S.A. Foreign Secretary Bro. Andrew J Smith, Cavite & Private C. Scott, called. Conversation & prayer together. Scott hopes to assist me in Bilibid prison Sunday next.
To God the Father, Son & Holy Ghost, be praise eternal, amen.