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ANGELES, P.I., October 3, 1899.

DEAR MOTHER: Father wrote to me from the Royal Hotel, Edin- burgh, September 9, and I also have your letter of September 19, so that I have a good idea of what a pleasant, restful, and sightseeing trip you have had. How you must have enjoyed old Edinburgh and the pretty Isle of Wight. My impressions of these places are only taken from books, and I hope it will be my fortune to travel through some of the cities and countries of the Old World. I have seen some of the world coming to the Philippines, but this life is not for any sightseeing except looking for gugas [gugus] or sighting a gun. This town is like nearly all other Filipino towns; but it has many well-built houses and a church which has some Italian Renaissance motives in it. There are two old bell towers on the front, from one of which I got a fine view of the surrounding country. Look at the map I sent home to father three months ago and you will see that we are getting into a higher altitude as we advance along the railroad. There are mountains several miles to the east of this town, and then there is Mount Arayat which can be seen for miles and has a big saddle in the middle of it, made by two peaks, upon which the Ark could have rested. The country is very flat here, producing lots of sugar, and it is said that a great deal of tobacco is grown in the northern portion of the island. To-day is muster day, it being the last day of the month, and my company (Co. C) is on outpost duty at the edge of the town, so that I have been pretty busy getting my men posted at seven o’clock this morning, and then mustering what few men were left in camp, such as cooks and men “sick in quarters.” It is about half-past four and I am going out to spend the night on outposts at a little after five. The insurgents have been very quiet since I have been here, and nothing has happened except the regular duties of troops in camp.