The weather is getting better than it has been. The niggers are getting their crops about in and getting almost ready to cut loose in general again. They made their first break at this place last night. Coffman was on guard at the market & at about 7.50 P.M. nine of them tackled him. The point of a bolo split his shirt sleeve nearly full length and made quite a little gash in his arm. The grappled him and tried to take his gun but by some change he got away from them enough to fire a couple of shots & this turned out the guard for his assistance. There were several scattering shots fired all around the town at that time and two hours later a patroll of three men ran onto about a dozen at the outskirts of town and exchanged a few shots with them. The idea is that they were “feeling of” the place and had we not seemed to be all around town at once they would probably have attacked us. We took in 4 prisoners, one of whom Coffman says is the man that slashed him. Everything has been quiet today. We got mail last Tuesday. C.W. C sent me a knife & fork combi.