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March 9, 1913

On turning out land could be seen off the port side, away ahead. I promenaded the deck and watched the land until 10, when we had first dinner, a dish of rotten fish and soup, which I could not eat, another of peas, potatoes and meat. Some of the latter I managed to do away with. Afterwards I had a cup of coffee. Finishing I went up to the foredeck and watched the land. This appeared to be an island of irregular shape, probably five miles in length, and at the lower end was a lighthouse and quite a stretch of level ground, which was covered with trees and plants. It then appeared to be of mountainous nature, sparsely covered with trees. A little later it appeared as if the lighthouse was on the small island and not on the main island. On the other island I could see, popping up above the trees, a large building. After a little I discovered that instead of a small island this was a part of the Island of Panay. We continued until within one-half mile of shore, when we took on the pilot and then turned abruptly to the left, then followed the shore, which was rocky and covered with trees, passed by a number of small coves, in one of which there was a saw mill, All this time we had a shore line away to the left as well as one in front. In the afternoon at 3 we anchored in a narrow straight opposite the mouth of a river that runs through Ilo Ilo. It being Sunday the inhabitants turned out in force, three launches as well as a couple of motor boats coming out to meet us. It was fully an hour before the doctor could show a clean bill of health and then quite a number of the passengers went ashore. I did not bother because I understood that we would not sail before Monday night. I amused myself until 5 watching the natives unload the cargo, and also watched a number of sailing vessels. The latter were mostly small boats with outriggers on the side. One or two of the crew would be out on one side of this balancing the boat. After supper I noticed a bulletin board which said we would start at 7 in the morning, so at 6 I went ashore on a launch. This went to the mouth of the river and followed it for about a mile. The stream was not large and on either side were the houses of the natives, small and built on piles for the most part. Where we landed were a number of large buildings, warehouses, shops and offices, then a couple of blocks came on the main part of the place—a great square. In the center was a fine park, containing a band stand and quite a number of seats. Around the square were a number of shops, hotels, etc., as well as a large church, the latter a fine old edifice topped with a great tower at either front corner. It did not take long to see the main part of the town. I then wandered into the Y. M. C. A. rooms as there would be no launch to take us to the ship until 9. When I went down to the dock I had to wait until 10 before the launch started. I had been feeling miserable all that day, my head seemed to be on fire and on getting aboard I got a piece of ice and fixed up a cold drink. While doing this I heard a commotion aft and on investigating found that one of the natives was crazy drunk and running amuck. He was secured before doing much damage and after considerable trouble was gotten aboard the. launch. After watching this performance I went down and got my bedding and took it to the foredeck. About a dozen of the crew were there ahead of me but I managed to find room. A fine breeze was blowing this way and. this was better than sleeping in the hold. When I went down the night before the place did not seem good to me and I shall not sleep there any more.