All hands at OSP are jubilant hearing the approval of a request by C,OSP to begin construction of the hull for eight (8) new Q-Boats by Engineer Island Shipyard under Engr Bernardo Abrera who successfully passed his experimental model last March that was christened by Mrs. Quezon as Q-113. The keel for the new 8 Q-Boats are now being laid. By the time we get our independence in 1946, we expect to have a Fleet of 50 Q-Boats.
Meantime extensive training are underway ashore and afloat. OSP School have under training PMA Class ’41 namely Lts Pastor, Viado, Manuel A Gomez, Hector Moya and Filipino Flojo plus several newly recruited reserve Os from UP and Naut School, amomg them, Remo Lavadia, Hilario Ruiz, Dioscoro Papa, etc in the Officers Course. Fifty enlisted men (EMs) are also taking the EM’s Course.