Our Q-Boats night attack exercises continue under different situations with greater intensity. My PAAC Mistah Aranzaso also reported that the 6th Pursuit Sqdn. where he belongs are having intensive exercises at Zablan Field. My other classmates aside from Aranzaso in that Squadron under the command of 1st. Lt. Jess Villamor are Lts. Bartolome Cabangbang, Urbano Caldoza, Horacio Farolan and Pete Aragon. I got the same report about intensive training exercises from my classmates in the Infantry at Camp Murphy and the Artillery at Camp Dau and Fort Wint since the USAFFE was announced last July 27.
Col. Clifford Bluemel USA is appointed Comdt., CGSS to be assisted by Cols. Clyde Selleck, William A. Brougher, and Albert Jones, all US Army Os selected by MacArthur.
Our Q-Boat training on night sneak attacks was completed last week. This week, our training will be on anti-aircraft firing with drone targets towed by airplanes.
Manila News front page says the British and Soviets warn Iran to get rid of excess German tourist. Also, London and Moscow signed a Trade Agreement.