It was decided to move the Bn en-masse. On the morning of December 2, 1941, about 7:00 AM, the first barges left Corregidor for Cabcaben bearing the Bn transportation, the guns and tractors, kitchens, and organizational equipment. Subsequent trips of the barges during the day brought over personal equipment (footlockers and barracks bags, etc.), bedding, S.L. equipment, and ammunition (3” and small arms). The rest of the day, part of the night, and part of the next day were devoted to unloading equipment and transporting it to the campsites. We were delayed by the limited dock space for unloading and by the limited Bn transportation.
The Bn Hq., Hq Btry, and Battery “E” went into their permanent base-camp sites on the AA-Trail near KP169 on the Cabcaben-Mariveles Road. Battery “G” moved into a temporary camp at Little Baguio near KP 167 on the same road. By nightfall the battery kitchen was set up and a hot supper served. Bedding and equipment was move in, but no tents was set up that night.