Next day the unloading and movement of supplies and equipment was completed, and a tent camp pitched. The guns and range equipment were emplaced and oriented in a temporary position and communications established with the AA Command Post at Corregidor. The battery immediately took up the alert status of the Harbor Defenses and the report “Globe/Battery “G” communications code designation/in position and ready for action” was sent to the Bn Hq. The Battery Commander, battery officers, and chiefs of section of a future permanent position to be hewn from the jungle on the hill devoted the next two days to improvement and further camouflage of the battery position, organization of the camp, and reconnaissance. Later this position was known as Globe Hill, at the terminus of the AA Trail in the Mariveles Naval Reservation. The next day, December 6, clearing of the hill commenced. The following day being Sunday, the personnel was given a well earned day of rest.
Aaron A. Abston
(August 16, 1916 — June 5, 1992), Commanding Officer, Battery G, 60th Coast Artillery Regiment (Anti Aircraft), Corregidor.
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