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Mon. Dec. 15/41

No raids last night, and we got a good rest. Small news dispatch coming from America admits that the damage to the fleet at Hawaii was quite heavy. It is 8:30 a.m. and the sirens are blowing again. Cecil has gone to the market. I can hear the bombers coming, so I will go to the door to see if I can see them. Judging by the sound of the motors they came quite close to Manila, but a few clouds screened them from my sight. They swerved to the sea toward Corregidor and the sound of their motors died away. The bombing on Saturday was a complete failure as far as military damage was concerned, but the paper said 75 civilians were killed and perhaps 150 injured. It has been drizzling rain and cool over the weekend, a bit out of season for so much rain. They say the poor visibility on Saturday was the cause of the poor marksman-ship of the enemy. During the night we heard tanks rumbling down Herran Street and Mr. Misos told us that he saw 8 tanks yesterday on the train. At noon 18 bombers came over. We watched them closely to see if they would come directly over the house, but we saw they were going to miss us just a little. We heaved a sigh of relief. They dropped their bombs on Nichols Field again. That is, I should say they tried to hit the field, but hit every thing else instead. No military damage. Most of the people from that district have evacuated, so there was little loss of life. The raid on Sunday was aimed at the waterfront, but all the bombs fell in the water. Not a thing hit. What Marksman-ship! We walked to Pasay to see the others. All is well. Leo and Ernest are making an air raid shelter. We went to Dewey Blvd. to see the waterfront. Many guards, soldiers, machine-gun nests, etc. Was very tired when we reached home. No raids that night.