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January 30, 1942

The missionaries were called onto the court where an announcement was read that they were to be packed to go out at two! It does not matter whether they want to go or not. No choice. Terrible flurry and flutter. Where and how will they live? Is it because our water is getting short> And will we also be let out to cope with a new world? A mad rush of packing,

Isobel took castor oil and plans to go to hospital for arrival of her baby.

We had pea soup, camotes and meat topped with tomato, plus carrots, banana and taffy. A big day. Full for once. lsobel’s pains began amid the general excitement, but the Japanese said she must wait until morning. Arrangements were made to have the car come back ready to take her to hospital in the night with Dr. Bruce and one of the nurses. 125 missionaries and the 25 British Indians departed, including about 20 different faiths. They were taken to the Baguio Hotel and left amid confusion of heaped baggage and howling children and told they could go home! Lt. Mukibo of Harvard was in charge again and very efficient! We watched them all depart over the hill into freedom.

I heard the first baby cry at 1:30—a three hour travail. A son! Seven pounds and all’s well. I took a peek at the infant in the silver drawer from Brent School made into a receiving crib.