Arrived Bais Sugar Central at 2:15 a.m. We found that the big house of the manager was being occupied by various families and the poor people had to get up at that hour to pack their things and move out so that we could occupy the house. I felt very much ashamed and I tried my best to apologize. It broke my heart to see a little girl 6 years old get up from her bed and start collecting all her dolls and toys. Mass was said at that time, and then we went to bed. I awoke at 9 a.m. Attended to some work and visited the Central. Went to Dumaguete in afternoon. Saw Tapale.
Basilio J. Valdes
Basilio J. Valdes, M.D. (July 10, 1892 –January 26, 1970), soldier, doctor, cabinet member, businessman. Chief of Staff, Philippine Army, 1939-1945; Secretary of National Defense in the Quezon and Osmeña War Cabinets, 1941-45. Professor of Surgery at the University of Santo Tomas (UST), Medical Director of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, 1948-1970.
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