Another lazy day. Not much news of Bataan. Terms being arranged. Cebu attacked. Quite a few of the pilots got out of Bataan. We wonder who. Lundee trying to get us on south from here. Dyess stayed on –naturally.
Ozzie Lunde flew south in one of the P-35As on April 8th, another pilot in his baggage compartment. Hank Thorne—the CO of the 3d Pursuit–took the other P-35A to Mindanao, with 34th Pursuiters Larry McDaniel and Ben Brown in the compartment. Joe Moore flew the “P-40 Something” out and Jack Donalson took Dyess’ “Kibosh” south, but damaged it on landing at Iloilo. Dyess had refused to leave his men behind. Roland Barnick managed to get the old Grumman Duck airborne after last-minute repairs that evening and flew three 34th Pursuiters out along with Carlos Romulo, MacArthur’s former press relations officer.