Maj. Suguiyama, the Japanese Kempeitai supervisor of BCA, sent an investigator to San Lazaro Hospital to find out details of my hospitalization. Apparently, he learned I was unable to take my ship to Lanao that left three days ago (Oct 4). The hospital furnished all the documents about my case from the time I was admitted Oct. 1 to the present. In my own testimony, I said I had a severe recurrence of malaria with high fever early morning of Oct. 1 when the ambulance of San Lazaro Hospital came to my rescue. At present, my malaria attacks are subsiding and perhaps in a week, the hospital can release me. The investigator who seemed sympathetic to me confided that Maj. Suguiyama is furious and if it can be proven I was malingering, he will send me to Fort Santiago as an example. I can only have my fingers crossed and hoped for the best.
Ramon A. Alcaraz
(August 15, 1915 — June 25, 2009), member of the first cadre of officers for the Philippine Navy (Offshore Patrol of the Philippine Army); founder of the Philippine Marines.
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