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June 4, 1943

Tonight my team best Group III team in Volleyball. Met Lt. Bluher at Bldg 24 Gr II. Capt. Farley, Capt. Lucas, Capt. Molendez, Lt. Rinka, Lt. Radosivitch, & myself had a rumor fest and enjoyed the evening thoroughly. Rumors good and consisted of ______ victories, Sea Battle of Northwest Pacific, where Jap Admiral was killed and 64 Jap vessels destroyed. Rumored that we have _____, Guam, Palau, _____, and that Japs have withdrawn from the Celebes (strategically, of course). Russians broke through in 3 different places and are giving Germans quite a beating.  Turkey & Spain are in the war & sided with allies. We destroyed Germans installations on French Coast. Germans cities being bombed hereby. Roosevelt asks Mussolini to surrender or all Italian cities will be flattened. Nips are showing meanness.