We proceed to Osorio early this morning, reaching it when the sun is beginning to be hot. Here we changed the cargadores of my hammock. Eight men are here to meet us. They are almost naked, lean & look famished and undersized due to malnutrition. We find them too weak for the job, so the EP9O carrying me have to take their place, and these Osorio men are given the baggage to carry, instead of the hammock. From where we slept last night to Osorio, I notice new clearings on the edge of the forest—this should be stopped immediately.
Our objective is Badas through Poras. We reach this point slightly after midnight, tho’ we have been made to believe by [?] that we would make it by sunset.
At Bad-as every one feels exhausted. The day’s heat has been very enervating on all of us. Here a change of cargadores meet us.