On deck this morning. Chief Justice Yulo reiterated his previous statement that he is for immediate independence; that readjustment with the help of America can be done even under independence; that America’s treatment of us is the result of race prejudice.
Zulueta entertained us by reciting Spanish poetry. He said he found a new philosophy. He will not worry nor think about our situation anymore. He will try to recover his health to be able to fight those who have been responsible for our situation.
The convicts who are on board, most of them very poor, have shown deep sympathy for us. They always endeavor to relieve us of all work, including getting our meals. I am after all happy that I am with them as I got an inside view of their hearts. They are better than many of our big shot politicians in that they harbor no vengeance, no hatred, nor envy in their hearts. They are sincere.
Arrived in Puerto Princesa at noon. The port is full of warships, transports, landing barges, launches, etc. We were told that we were staying on board until the next morning. We did not get much sleep because the heat becomes unbearable whenever the boat is anchored.