At 9:45 Chaplain Clemen came in and surprised me washing my winter underwear -told him I consider my life as having gone back to the primitive, where one has to do everything himself- Although rather late in life, but it is good to know one can stand it in good grace and good health. Told me he read of proposal to make Philippines 49th state of US. He was in favor. Asked my opinion economically advantageous to Phil. if really agreeable to US but many people would prefer absolute independence -Rather late anyhow now as independence is coming on July 4th.
Jorge B. Vargas
(August 24, 1890 — February 22, 1980). Executive Secretary of President Quezon, 1935-41; Mayor of the City of Greater Manila, 1942; Chairman of the Philippine Executive Commission, 1942-1943. Ambassador to Japan of the Japanese-sponsored Republic, 1943-1945.
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