Was called late this morning for shaving. For a time thought I had written too soon to Nena about manong to shave everyday thinking they might skip it this time. Unable to hold my curiosity I push the guard calling number, and one of them Came to explain that upon complaint of some damn Nazi they had decided to call us for shaving and bath one day from the top of the list down the next from the bottom upwards alternating that way was claimed more fair to everybody concerned. Didn’t want to dispute fairness to new arrangements—I am on top of the list but told guard it had always been that way from the beginning. He sort of sympathized with me and will start Nazi’s again for tomorrow for shaving so that Filipinos may start bath first day after tomorrow. We only are allowed to bathe Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Maybe the Nazi’s are already contaminating even the GI
Thursday afternoon when I came back from dinner, Toto’s, Nena’s picture had been blown away from its place on the wall and no amount of search could locate it anywhere in my room. I asked guards to see whether they could find it downstairs—-it must have been blown away out of the window during dinner time when door was open and strong wind was coming through door. Two of them went looking for it but could not find it. We decided it must have fallen on the ledge just outside my windows, but as these are barred we couldn’t see enough of the ledge from my window. Yesterday I asked both Tom and Harold the guards then to help look. They went up on the roof of the building and was able to see the picture——but as he had no ladder to fetch it tried an experiment which worked wonderfully———We dropped a pebble on the picture hit on an edge which made it jump off the ledge to the ground and afterwards retrieved it and gave it to me. He was just as happy his idea worked as I was to get my picture back. It is again on the wall this time more strongly glued, but not enough to spoil it when time comes to take it away for home.
They gave me “Time” of June 10th at 9:30 this am. Pretty early this time, though magazine had been ripped Open by the ensors—Had to glue cover page together—-Nothing about the Philippines—no story about Roxas inauguration.
Showed Nena letter to Ossie on my way to shave. Returned it to me at beginning of morning exercise-—said it was best letter home written so far——It will make Nena immensely happy-—Said he wants to meet her as soon as we get back——said he could visualize how she and brothers and sisters would enjoy reading it——also her mother——Said Nena would cry over it—said you must have enjoyed writing it. There are two things there though Nena will (illegible) you about; (illegible) With the parenthetical insertion of “marital filial and the only one wife explanation.” Well I said that’s true anyhow. Asked Osias whether I should let Aquino see it also—Answered Yes by all means—Reference to Aquino does both families honor, so why not? Aquino also read letter-—said that’s the kind of letter I like to write to my own daughters—but probably our compadre Laurel would not appreciate the humor involved —would think it too frivolous contrary to set of monastic relationship he has with members of his family. As a result he has had the marriages of his boys so far and they were all escapades or elopements in fear of parental disapproval or opposition. Even the son here has already expressed some concern about the way his sisters are being brought up or are growing. Aquino said moreover letter would make Nena very happy—added however now Marylou for instance would also want to be written to. I said precisely left open chance to write to other girls by announcing with sufficient provocation will write to others too. Aquino likes Marylou best of all the girls after listening to her play the piano one time. He calls “mi morenita.”
Quite unexpectedly they called us out grass detail at around six pm. After I had already put off my shoes though was still dressed with socks on and was taking my after dinner exercise. Outside Steinmetz the guard made a little speech about the doctor wanting the grass pulled out and asking us whether we would like to continue with the work, but that if we did we must show a little action so that when the doctor comes around to inspect something had been accomplished. Otherwise they would put some other people on It. We all answered we had no objection to carrying on and proceeded to pull grass in count. In less than half an hour we cleaned an area larger than what we had done two days in succession previously—the guards were happy—even Kindermann and Shimizu the laziest in the crowd did some grass pulling more consistently for the first time.
On way out to dinner gave compadre Benigno “Time” of June 10th as he said he could finish it during the night and I intended to sleep early today—as matter of fact went to bed before 7 pm.