At seven in the morning we arrive at Tsinanfu, where we have to change cars for Tsingtao. The Shantung railway which is to take us, is in German hands. German influence makes itself felt in a pleasant way even in Tsinanfu. Large, beautiful houses and wide clean streets. Only the railroad station seems to be neglected. The Germans of Tsinanfu are supplying beer for all reservists passing through. We quench our thirst until the train leaves at nine. Here two more men join us, so that our little troop now consists of eight men. In the afternoon we see the first German outposts by the bridge at the boundary. From then on, we meet soldiers at every bridge. Everywhere we are met with rejoicing. About five in the
afternoon we arrive in Tsingtao. A sergeant receives us and takes us to Bismarck Barracks, where we are registered and get permission to take the evening off. I go to the Seamen’s House to greet my brother, who, naturally, is very much surprised to see me. We celebrate our reunion at the Café Kronprinz. Afterwards he shows me around town as far as is possible in the darkness which reigns. I spent this night at the Seamen’s House. It is my last night as a free man.
Anonymous German Reservist
A German reservist in Manila, who shortly after the declaration of war in 1914, left to join the German defense forces in Tsingtao, China.
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