Gen. MacArthur as CG, USAFFE orders the establishment of a Command and General Staff School (CGSS) in Baguio to train prospective Division Commanders and their Staff. Orders for all reserve officers and EMs (trainees that completed their 5 1/2 months training) are out for them to report to their respective units for mobilization in all 10 Military Districts. Ten Divisions are expected to be mobilized and the prospective Div. Comdrs. and their staff are now being selected for training at the new CGSS in Baguio.
Manila front page news states that German troops reached the Black Sea and surrounds Odessa. Pres. Petain pledges French collaboration in Nazi “New Order” and appoints Admiral Darlan to head the Defense Ministry. Meanwhile, it is also announced that Rabindranah Tagore, India’s poet and playwright, 1913 Nobel Prize Winner died at age 80.