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7 Jan. ’42

At ten-fifteen inspection of hospital and grounds by several Japanese doctors collecting quinine. Three autos and radios taken. At 1400 the Japanese took over the compound and posted guard. Verbal orders to me for all Americans to stay in the compound. Filipinos free to go and come. Permission to receive personal purchases through Filipinos. General muster and gave all developments to the personnel. A tedious day but all relieved to know the [illegible]. A Japanese committee called saying that they were going to bring a draft of some thirty American Officers who had been taken prisoners to be left at the Santa Scholastica, and that I would be responsible for them. I refused flatly, stating that I had no guards and could not assume such duty. They stated that it made them distrust the word of American Officers, as they had promised not to escape, and they would
bring the officers anyway, however this was not done.