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January 30, 1942

The general situation on Bataan remains unchanged. There has been some pressure against the front of both Corps, probably more in the way of a “feeler” to find “soft spots” than any real attempt to attack. The Japs don’t like to attack if there is any chance of running hard up against the real opposition. So they are feeling out the entire front in an effort to find a weak spot. At present they are particularly active along the center of the peninsula—in the vicinity of the boundary between Corps. It doesn’t necessarily follow that they will try to push through there, but I rather suspect that they will. Most of the Jap landing parties on the west coast have been cleaned up. There are some still remaining in the Agloloma area, exact number not known.

A submarine came in from Australia two days ago and departed last night. She brought up some .50-caliber ammunition for us and AA shells. Unfortunately, the shells are not at all what we asked for, and are not much of an asset. Someone blundered in shipping that old stuff up here in a submarine, when so many things are so urgently required. Gen. Marshall came over from Bataan today to talk over shipment of supplies from there. We have already shipped a great deal, and I counted 11 barges waiting to be unloaded at the docks this evening. There is still a great deal to come, however. Very quiet here all day. One plane came close this evening.