Here it is. Received word from Gen. Wainwright authorizing me to assemble our PA trainees into the 121st Infantry PA. This gives me something definite to work on. Leave tomorrow for Lubuagan to meet my new Bn Cmdrs. to give them their instructions. Hope they get there.
Cont’d. Bad news. Almost upon receipt of orders to organize the 121st Inf. came the news of the fall of Bataan. Had we only had a fine weeks of intensive training for the Regt. we might have had a fine outfit for the USAFFE big push. But now it looks as if there might be no help for us for a long time. As long as Bataan held out we had hopes of a relief expedition. But now Luzon has no tactical nor strategical value until we can gradually wrk north from Australia. This will take a long time. But we will still try to organize the units to be ready when the time comes, i.e., if the enemy will let us alone.