Tomorrow we move to the Y, a month ago we were supposed to be in within a few days. It will be quite comfortable, but I’d prefer to stay right here. Bill mixed some grated coconut and mashed bananas with sugar for desert, quite a tasty mess. The bus returned tonight with food supplies, our notes go down tomorrow or the next day. I hope you don’t have any trouble with the peanut butter, I don’t like to ask you for anything, but we would like some of that stuff! The boys drew for spaces in the Y this morning and there was comparatively little argument. Marked and numbered the spaces this afternoon. There is indication that they’re trying to complete 10 barracks and move in an experiment; if that happens the next group from Santo Tomas will number about 400-500 and will come up about the middle of next month; we’ll see how much of a guesser I am. I certainly wish it was all over.
Charles Mock
(1908 – 1964) an American originally imprisoned together with other Allied civilians in the University of Santo Tomas, kept a journal of his time in the prisoner of war camp in Los Baños, Laguna.
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