Attached three officers this morning and moved them into officers quarters. Major Raymond McKinley Williams, MC, who has been assisting in the Attending Surgeon’s office and will continue there. Major Edw. R. Wernitznig and Major Clinton Maupin, MC, are to be Asst Provost Marshalls.
Had a conference with Captain Nogi and reported immediate need for 6 bags of cement to repair stoves or 3 truck loads of clay to build new ones. This was also pointed out to QM Sgt Yamamoto when he was in the mess this morning. Captain Nogi accepted a biopsy from a suspected case of Hodgkins’ disease and will send it it to the Phil. Gen. Hosp. He will assign a sentry at any time to go with Med. Inspector’s clean-up detail when they have to police gutters along the wall. Captain Winship has put C. S. F. Mannry in charge of the detail and it is functioning well. His Asst. Captain Gochenour is unusually conscientious and in addition is doing a fine job with the diet kitchen. Today he made some excellent salads for group I and group II. The former pomelo and banana, the latter pomelo and coconut. This for about 55 patients on special diets. Captain Nasr obtained 120 #2 cans of evaporated milk and there are 25 men now on milk at the rate of 3 men per can instead of 2/9 of a can per man.
There was an alert at about 11:00 AM but no activity – all clear in about an hour.
Appointed a court of inquiry to check on Captain Wermuth but am holding in abeyance until tomorrow as Major Peter Koster JAGD does not think it valid under conditions here.
Usual 8:00 PM staff meeting – all officers working hard and hospital running well. We are able to keep sufficient beds ahead to admit from draft as SIQ. Dengue continues apparently unabated but only 20-25% of the personnel here have mosquito nets.
90 patients stopped enroute to McKinley from Cabanatuan. 50 patients and 25 corps men are supposed to have gone there yesterday.
Major Wernitznig touted the area and was able to clear up several petty larceny cases.
Three 45 gallons cuales (cauldrons) were issued to the mess which helps with the cooking problem. There is still rice plundering again in the Japanese QM night before last. The Japanese QM Sgt shook down Bldg. #13 yesterday, found a small amount of rice and several charcoal burners. The Provost Marshalls are attempting to prohibit this and also trading -both are similar to enforcing national prohibition.