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July 10, 1972 Monday

July 10, 1972


Malacañan Palace


The reaction time of the ABG to the situation in Diguyo Bay was too long. Troops and communication were not too ready nor was air transport. The Air Force and Navy have bombarded the installations of the NPA now estimated to number 200 or more, preparatory to the grand troops assault. I attach reports. Was interviewed by Mr. Y. I attach papers of the Japan Economic At 4:00 PM attended the opening of the Educational Book Exhibition on board the “Logos” a 278 ft, 2,300 ton ship based in Singapore, now docked at Pier 15. I donated some books including mine. And in my remarks of welcome I said: You have come on a noble mission that strikes a chord of response in our hearts. For you symbolize the privacy of the spirits over matter, the mind over body and thought over environment. This is typically Asian which is still beset by man’s ancient enemies – impoverishment, illness and disease and ignorance.

“Where the politicians, the would-be statesmen, the orators and lathers fail, may you succeed – to unify all man into one family of peace and progress.”

“While there are men and women like you, there is hope for the human race.”

Nick Jimenez and his brother Ramon came to give me a copy of the statement to be read by Delegate Eduardo Quintero tomorrow at the Concon. I attach copy. Sen. Lorenzo Teves and Cong. Jose Alberto came to ask me to agree to the compromise as the budget – cut out the power of transfer except on calamities and contingencies, cut the AFP funds by about P100 M the rural cooperative to P100 M P50 M to be supported from savings, the Intelligence find to be intact, so with savings to include the AFP and rural cooperatives. I am asking them to hold decision until the 20th if this month.