From Massawa the armada went to Camiguin. At the east there is a small island full of woodland. A ship can pass between the islet and the island of Camiguin; from the island to the islet would be three fourths of a league. The
armada anchored at the northern part of this island the bottom was back sand, 12 to 14 brazas deep; towards the shore, at the bottom there were some stones. Here, the armada was anchored on 12 March.
This island has many rivers of fresh water; from this island to Massawa is a distance of 13 or 14 leagues. On 14 March from this island of Camiguin, the armada sailed for Butuan. From information we had received, we were located east southeast and so we went the turn north by northwest sailing the whole night with all the top sails. The following day at dawn, 15 March we saw from the prow an island, west of Massawa and we saw many huts. Seeing these, the Governor ordered us to anchor there. We anchored south at 8 brazas and the bottom was black sand. All of this island runs eastwest and would be 10 leagues long; it has many wide treeless plains. From this southern part where the armada is anchored, the island of Camiguin is at the west. This island where we anchored is Bohol. They say that nearby there is a town called Boquin and west of this place where we are about 4 leagues away, that there is another town named Bohol which is the name of the island itself. From this island of Bohol, where the armada is anchored, to that of Camiguin is 8 leagues.