Manila, Luzon Island –Entry made in parlor of No. 2 Calle Santa Elena, Tondo.
Clear lovely day & not hot, quite a contrast to the storm of yesterday.
After breakfast was cooked, hunger satisfied and dishes out of the way added another page to the write up for the S.F. War Cry, sub-titles to the article of 18 pages: “Tent Tribulations; Holiness Subject to Order; Down on Pasig Quay: Sores & Coughs;
Swamps; Christian Commission; Beggars & Tobacco; Missionary Outlook; Language Barriers; Dewey’s Squadron; Recollections; Future of the Philippines.” Sent with the copy 3 large photographs: negrito in a boat at Mariveles; Dattos or Chiefs of Mindanao Island and Aguinaldo & Staff.
Visitors 9.
Private Herron of 3d Battalion 1st Nebraska Vol. Inf. called. Gave him for force distribution 30 copies No. 564 Sept. 17 War Crys.
Private A.S. Lloyd, Co. E. 1st Montana Vol. Inf. came to No. 2 despondent & backsliders. Dealt with him & the Lord Jesus pardoned & healed his soul. Praise the Lord. Salvationists in the US. Army are constantly backsliding.
Bought 3 newspapers. The trouble with the Insurgents seem to have blown over for a short time. They have withdrawn from the immediate suburbs of Manila otherwise they keep this organization. They are bent on having independence, which may lead to war with them after awhile.
Wrote & copied 2 letters (1) to Lt. Col. Wm Evans with copy: (2) to Capt. Coogan of U.S.S. “Baltimore” to arrange for a service next Sunday.