It has been a beautiful Night out in the Field the Moon rised at 9 o Clock and shine until 2 o Clock but between the Mosquitos and the many Bullets from the Sharpshooters we dont get much Sleep I sleep in the Comisary several Bullets went trough it during the Night but we cant see the Enemy therefor we Kept our fire but the Nebraska and 6 Artelery Kept fighting on all Night until daylight when they drove back their Enemy the found 87 Killed in the Morning and no Amerikan Killed but 2 Officer and 7 men wounded 2 of them verry seriously the South Dacota and Pennsylvania Killed 51 during the Night while not even one of us was wounded at 7 o Clock Dewy shelled a Town some where and we can hear heavy attellery Fire wick continued until 10 o Clock then all was quiet until noon where ones more the Rebel Sharpshooters opened up on our Outpost but our Men spotted 2 of them in a Tree and soon the tumbled down never to arise again in the Evening I came to Manila everything is very quiet I never Know this was Sunday until I went to Bed as everyday is alike to us now Papst Brewing Co. has donated one Barrel of Beer to each Company on the line wich the Boys enjoyed in the afternoon the sick in the Quarters are all doing Guard duty at the Hospital we have now Lt. Ch. Howard with Fever Carl Debold and Jourg Rockwell wounded Albert McMaster—– Robert Cury is going to the Front in the morning all is uiet while I goe to Bed.
It has been a beautiful night out in the field. The moon rose at 9 o’clock and shone until 2 o’clock but between the mosquitoes and the many bullets from the sharpshooters, we don’t get much sleep. In the commissary several bullets went through it during the night but we can’t see the enemy. Therefore, we kept our fire. But the Nebraska and six artillery kept fighting on all night until daylight when they drove back their enemy and found 87 killed in the morning and no Americans killed. But, two officers and seven men were wounded, two of them seriously. The South Dakota and Pennsylvania Regiments killed 51 during the night while not even one of us was wounded. At 7 o’clock Dewey shelled a town somewhere and we can hear heavy artillery fire which continued until 10 o’clock. Then, all was quiet until noon where once more the rebel sharpshooters opened up on our outpost; but, our men spotted two of them in a tree and soon they tumbled down never to arise again. In the evening, I came to Manila, everything is very quiet. I never knew this was Sunday until I went to bed as every day is alike to us now. Pabst Brewing Co. has donated one barrel of beer to each company on the line which the boys enjoyed in the afternoon. The sick in the quarters are ll doing guard duty at the hospital as we now have Lieutenant Charles Howard with fever, Carl Debolt and George Rockwell wounded, Albert McMaster ——, Robert Curry is going to the front this morning. All is quiet while I go to bed.