Sunday. Nothing to do. Wrote a number of letters. Borrowed Root’s “Topographical Sketching” from the Captain and spent most of the day reading that. After supper, about 5 P.M., one of A Company’s detachment came in with a “bino” jag and insisted he had seen armed niggers digging a trench, so a detail was sent out, but he had not and is now in the “jug.”” A mail from home the 2d. Letters were dated July 19th. Came on the Indiana, which brought some 720 recruits. Since I have been doing this sketching the men have decided I am in for a commission. I notice a difference in their treatment which I can ascribe to nothing else, a touch of deference, an
eagerness to do small favors, etc. I am sorry, as I would prefer to be a private as long as I am compelled to be.