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Picture of John Clifford Brown

John Clifford Brown

(1872-1901) Engineer, cartographer in the U.S. Army.

August 9, 1899

When we came on deck this morning (6 A.M.) the Philippines were all about us. Shortly we made out Luzon itself, for we round the

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August 10, 1899

Passed into Manila Bay, Corregidor island on our starboard, about 2 or 3 P.M. came abreast of a little village of thatch. Above it was

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August 13, 1899

Have been kept on the ship. The niggers left on the 11th and very glad we were to have them go. The Cavalry got away

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August 14, 1899

Lieut. Oakes took me with him on a business trip. All over the walled and outside city. Much impressed with the oddity and strangeness of

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August 15, 1899

This is the winter season here, which accounts for the coolness which we all remarked. Not that it is not warm, but the heat is

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August 16, 1899

Teams pass to the left as in England. English sparrows here. I noticed a man fishing on the beach with a net the poles of

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August 17, 1899

Left Malate at about 7 A.M. for the station, three miles’ distance. Went in heavy marching order and was wet through with perspiration when we

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August 18, 1899

Up at 6 A.M. and helped cook coffee and bacon. Started back at about 8. Immediately went through a brook waist deep, were going back

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August 19, 1899

Saturday. Breakfast 5 A.m. Washed clothes. The barrack is evidently the old house of a rich man, across the road is a broad river. Stone

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August 20, 1899

The company being in the field stands no calls. Everything when one is not on duty is made as easy as possible. The only thing

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August 21, 1899

On guard at the barracks. Difficulty in keeping awake, 3-5 A.M. Rare wood very common. The rough kitchen benches are made of beautiful mahogany planks,

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August 22, 1899

Yesterday was called to officers’ quarters. Found a number of non-coms there. Was asked by Lieut. Ferguson if I had ever done any work with

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August 23, 1899

Was sitting on my bunk killing time. It was pouring outside, when I heard the sudden hurry in the barracks which always denotes that a

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August 24, 1899

Slept nearly all day when I was not eating. Country around here a vast marsh of rice fields. The town is about a mile away.

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August 25, 1899

Dawned clear but soon clouded. The men who did not bring the mosquito bars could not sleep for the insects. Had mine and was very

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August 26, 1899

It was map sketching they wanted me for. About 8 A.M. Lieut. Ferguson, myself and one man as guard started out on the road to

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August 27, 1899

Back to Collulit [Calulut] to join my map to the railroad. Had a guard. Warned us at the outpost that the niggers were round. Had

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August 29, 1899

Consolidating the maps into one. Not very accurate but the best in existence of the country. Four miles wide from Bacolo[r] through San Fernando to

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August 30, 1899

On map from 6 to 8.30 A.M., when I, our map being done, am leaving for Gen. McArthur’s headquarters to draw some maps for him.

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August 31, 1899

Muster and inspection of arms at 7 A.M. Cannot begin work at headquarters until 9 A.M., worked until about 1 A.M. when orderly came down,

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September 1, 1899

Spent the entire day drawing the map we got the data for yesterday. It seems we were within a mile of San Jose, where there

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September 2, 1899

San Fernando is beginning to wear quite a business-like aspect. When we first came here it was quite deserted save for the troops, but since

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September 3, 1899

Sunday. Nothing to do. Wrote a number of letters. Borrowed Root’s “Topographical Sketching” from the Captain and spent most of the day reading that. After

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September 4, 1899

Rain continuous. Spent the entire morning on Root’s book. If this keeps up I shall soon master surveying. Not that it is so extremely difficult.

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September 5, 1899

Was on the early morning “hike” that goes three and one-half miles down the track to meet the patrol coming up. Was waked at 4

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September 6, 1899

On guard at Gen. Wheaton’s headquarters. Gen. Wheaton being at Collulit [Calulut], the guard was only three men, myself acting Corporal. By a curious coincidence

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September 7, 1899

Spent the morning at Gen. McArthur’s headquarters tracing a map. It seems that that ladrone captured yesterday belonged to the native regiment that deserted Spain

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September 8, 1899

Forenoon, drew. Had pie for dinner. Have had it several times now. It is curious how good it tastes. Afternoon, drew.

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September 9, 1899

Guagua and Santa Rita were attacked last night. They are only three or four miles away and the firing, rifles, machine and field guns, was

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