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Wednesday, Feb. 7, 1940

Met at Lim’s re official letter to Sec. Nat Def on economy program. Garcia again obstructs plans on nothing. His main objection this time is on ROTC graduates who become NCO.

Gen. Staff meet with C of S. Gen V. expresses disappointmentre handling of army saying that he is ready to quit. It was a coincidence as before the meeting Lim & I were talking about quitting. Duty alone and the desire not to be mistaken are the reasons for my stay in the Army. Evidently things must be getting rotten if a non prof. soldier like V. even feels like resigning.

Valdes brings up question re rank of Judge Advocate service. It seems as if Sec Sison is going to ignore the Gen Staff on this subject. Similarly on the promotion of graduates of WP and Annapolis in the seniority list. I believe Sison’s contact with irresponsible babbler Garcia hand something to do re WP & Ann. graduates. This man is dangerous as he is dumb and irresponsible and then he has no convictions.

Prepared a strong letter to Sec Sison re W.P. & An.. graduates. V. sends it by special messenger to Sec. Sison.

Talked to Lim on Francisco’s change of heart on separation of Constabulary. Re article in Khaki & Red. Francisco now favors separation. Francisco criticizes red tape in Army.

Objected to plan to name Paniban after Lt Castro who was killed there.