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December 13, 1941

There was a bad raid on Manila this Week but so far the Japanese seem to have kept to military objectives like the Air Fields and Cavite. I do not know how soon I can send letters to Mother but am putting it down while it is still fresh in the mind.

Today the radio mentions attacks on Apparri, Vigan, San Fernando, Zambales and Legaspi. It seems to be still invasion phase. We hope to hear of our attack, not just defense.

We have filled all kinds of bottles, as well as one of the bathtubs. full of water in case service is interrupted, though so far only one bombing here. I packed up most of my valuable jewels for the deposit box at the bank. Nida works like a little demon and keeps the three other women going for the Red Cross. I mend and put away laundry, trying to keep a kind of routine. A long line of trucks and buses went by the house from the mines, with drawn curtains [transporting dynamite].