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December 25, 1941 to January 1, 1942

The Marsh family came to stay with us. We had turkey for Xmas but the air raids caused the current to be turned off so it wasn’t very well roasted. Saturday the treasury was bombed. Hank Sperry was there but escaped. It was not easy trying to work amidst raids and meals were most irregular. Sunday we had another raid on the walled city. Manila had been declared an open city Xmas eve and Gen. Mac Arthur had moved his headquarters outside. S [Sayre] and A [?] also left. Sunday the 28th we met with other banks at Malacañan Palace with Secretary Vargas. Monday was busy, last day of banking year as 30 and 31 were holidays.

Fires from bombings and other reasons converted Manila into an inferno in spots. Our home was peaceful. Went to office both holidays for a time. The Marshes decided to set up their own house again as they had found their servants. We all had New Year’s Eve quietly at home. The Hamilton family with Mrs. Loucks and her son Charles [age 10] came in with mattresses. The Marsh family returned also. The Japanese were expected to enter the City [Manila]—looting.