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Marines given M.P. jobs-New ruling-Mess lines must form below decks-Prerents chizzlers-Menu tor days 10/20/42-10/30/48-

10/25/42-morning-rice, squash,B1, powdered fish soup
noon-rice, fish, end papaya soup, boiled dried fish
evening-rice, squssh and pork soup I very greasy)
10/29/42-morning-rice, squash, B1, powdered fish soup
noon-rice, fish and sqaush soup, boiled dried fish (large)
evening-rice, pork and papaya soup (very greasy)
10/30/42-morning-rice, squash, Bl1 powdered fish soup
noon-rice, fish and squash soup, boiled dried fish (large)
evening-rice, pork and papaya soup (very greasy), corned beet

Rains in early afternoon-First night it had rained in hatch-Japs hed threatened to close hatches-The black hole of Calcutta would have been nothing compared to holds on Erie Maru if this had ever come to pass-