I sold mv pen last night for 200 P’s – have already given 100 to the men. Well it is worth it. They appreciate it. I saw a poor kid beat this a.m. and all because of one Lt. Col. Engle heart. He wouldn’t explain the missunderstanding to the Nip. If it had happened to me, I believe l would beat hell out of a yellow Lt Col ‘Nuf Sed‘. I hate these white J’s. They are actually worse than our hosts. We were railroaded over 20 P’s of our pay for welfare that would be ok if it went to E.M. but it is a racket for some officers to get on. Oh! well, we have to beat it. Someday all it will be over. I dreamed about my darlings again last nite. I am still hoping for a letter. Gave 10 P’s each to Orta, Putnam, Watson, Mitchell, Patrick, and Gibbons. Our detail leaders today were a bunch of pricks. Capt. hope, & Capt. Moore Moore is just an ignorant farmer who plans to stay in ma army. God help our future generation with that type of officers. I hope the U. S. kicks all of us out for good. Then isn’t a man over here fit for a good army. Also this retirement for the army is the bank. I most do something about it if ever possible. The army is over paid and under worked.
George C. Brundrett
(June 25, 1911 — July 4, 1945). Captain, US Army. P.O.W. at DAPECOL (Davao Penal Colony) and Cabanatuan.
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