Nov. 2nd
No action – but more rumors – a relief ship is supposed to have left Japan for Vladivostok to pick up relief supplies for us (and, more important, for the Amer. War prisoners in Japan & the P.I.). The ship is reported due in Manila by Nov. 20th – there seems to be some substance to this rumor – If the shipment arrives, it will be a real life-saver –
This camp presents a picture of great disparities – There are wealthy people eating meals but little different from the meals – let us say – that
we had in Spring Lake in Fall 1933 after we had moved to Knights – There are others, who have no supplies at all and to whom the chowder we had every day for at least a week (2 times per day, wasn’t it?) would be better than all the godly drinks you could 
name – I am ashamed of my people here – This disparity is taken for granted – No effort is made towards pooling resources and anyone who offers to do this or give up part of his ration for someone needing it more, is called a “sucker.”
I am in charge of the Old Mens Hosp. here – There are 52 patients, averaging 65 years, all either heart cases, paralyzed, blind or crippled – it is not a pleasant place to work, but I love it. to help these old men keep alive until the Americans come –
All my work during internment has been closely connected with the sick, the children and the aged – I have tried to help where at all possible to care for these three groups – some efforts were successful, others not – It is frightful to be helpless in a place like this, where the motto seems to be “Every man for himself.”