Dec. 22nd – This morning the following supplies were brought in from Far Eastern University (War Prisoner Bureau) as a gift from the International Welfare Committee. 800+ pounds of beans, 2 bags of sugar, some rubber shoes & clothing, 49 lbs of chocolate, 1 bag of coffee, some tea, 8 bags calamansis, 15,000 cigars, 8000 cigarettes – The foodstuffs were released by the Japs, but they kept the tobacco – We may get it, we may not. But we are grateful to the neutrals –
Yesterdays paper according to reliable reports carried an item which quoted one Sadao Iguchi, spokesman for the Jap Foreign Office. “Arrangements have been made for the distribution of relief supplies to US War Prisoners in China & the Philippines – The distribution will be made as soon as possible—
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There was no dateline, so we do not know, if the supplies are still in Japan or if they are here in Manila – If they are in Japan, we may not receive them until the 3rd or 4th week in January – If they are here, we could get them at any time – It is interesting to note that Mr. Kato & Mr. Yamaguchi, both of whom are civilians and formerly connected with the camp have been acting as intermediaries the last few days between the army officials here & officials (who are they?) at the Dominican Seminary next door.
We hope the supplies are here & will be distributed soon – We are really just about on our last legs from starvation – The camp looks like a group of ghosts –