Christmas Day – very successful – candy and prunes lugao with extra rice flour hoarded issue (150 given per man instead of usual 125 gm.) and chocolate malted milk, hot drink with 15 cans of evaporated milk added.
At 9; 00 AM. I had Col. Vanderboget M.C. Com. McCrucken U.S.N. and Maj McLaughlin U.S.A. as a board for lottery of 58 added gifts. These were distributed all over the compound. At 10:00 A.M. the Wards started drawing their baskets and it took 1-2 hours for each word to distribute their products by raffle and issue. The Staff Officers including Warrants took from 11-1:00 P.M. Everyone seemed very pleased and morale is definitely better today.
A. R. (slight) about 11:00 A.M. Dinner about 3:00 P.M. of large rice issue, soup (beans meal and bouillon) a steamed camote, hot chocolate (15 cans more milk) and a baked camote – fruit pudding. Sorry there was no meat. The Officers had mango beans in their mess a chocolate cake from Bats Reynolds,
little chocolate muffin from the chaplain. Coffee all day, extra amarican cigarettes (also Reynolds), a butter cream pie (Sgt. Owen etc.etc.).
At 4:00 P.M. a conference with, Capt. Nogi and two more with him – before six P.M. relative to moving all personnel and installations including mess from outer to inner compound – this to start tomorrow.