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April 21, 1970


11:00 AM

April 21, 1970
Malacañang Palace

9:00 AM – Inaugurated the cold-cloud seeding rain production and typhoon moderation project. Philsugin donated three high-flying Cessnas (they can fly higher than 32,000 feet) for the project.

11:00 AM – Com. Aquino on the Manila Bay Road with a causeway of about 500 meters wide. Also ordered the Manila North Diversion Road Extension and South Superhighway without cost to the government and cost to be recovered by tolls.

l1:15 AM – Coordinated the BTTI and PTTA boards. Placed funds (P6.5 million) at the disposal of the BTTI only. Quarrels are stymying our tourist promotion plans.

12:15 AM – Met the Mangyan delegation from Mindoro Oriental with Gov. Umali and Cong. Leido. They want reservation for their tribes which I ordered to be segregated by the Bureau of Forestry and the Bureau of Lands. They came in G-string and colorful tribal dress into the reception hall of the palace. Beneath the huge chandeliers they looked incongruous and unbelievable.

Imelda is all pain from her exercising. Jazz from 4 to 5. Then exercise up to seven. Sauna bath of 15 minutes. Half an hour massage. All the blue ladies are worried about their figures. They are all putting on weight.

The export tax bill is now in the period of amendments in the senate. But there are many provisions like total sterilization of the proceeds, applicability immediate on the four major exports and the rest only after thirty days.
These must be removed in the conference committee.

We have located the air strip of Arthur Beech who is actually the operations officer of the San Jose Timber Corp. of Louis Sheff and his wife at the source of the Catibog River Northern Samar. The training ground set up by Osmeña is close to there. And three men with de Leon, our asset perished in one of the falls of the river, so he is
under suspicion. We will now look into the operations of Louis Sheff who has sold his house to Vic Fernandez the partner of Maceda in their reparations influence peddling, They made money on the items procured by PACD of which Maceda was the head. They have collected already $400,000.00.

But Louis Sheff has plenty of money and no apparent source. He is probably engaged in smuggling.