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August 29, 1972, Tuesday



Aug. 29, 1972


Malacañan Palace


Started golf at 6:00 a.m. for the first time in years. Feels fresh and cool in the early morning. And no rain.

This afternoon we finalized:

1. The target personalities and teams assigned.
2. Critique of the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
implementation. Its deficiencies, errors, failures, charges.
3. Potential enemies in the AFP
4. The units available, their capabilities.
5. Planned target date.

Gen. Paz, J-2 was with us, Danding Cojuangco, Tom Diaz, Romy Gattan, Gen. Ver and Johnny Ponce Enrile.

We must bring in Gens. Espino and Ramos now.

This morning an interview by Don Mores Asst. Editor of the Asia Magazine.

“We as a people have no discipline. We have not vet matured. We are still playing at everything. We are playing at revolution and with democracy.

“We will have to grow up soon.

Speaker Villareal.

Mel Mathay on Baby Ysmael properties.

The Constitutional Convention through Dr. Gunio de Vega and Dulce.

Approved the NEC recommended partial list of the 17th year schedule after studies by Gen. Balao and Chairman Mangaser.

Asked Gen. Ramos to change Gen. Navarro with Gen. Parans as 2nd PC Zone Co., Romy Gattan as Rizal Provincial Commander, Col. Espino as Saranay Task Force Commander.

Change Gen. Encarnacion as IV PC Zone Co. and place a Task Force Commander for Task Force Pagkakaisa.

Issued the directive to Mayor Bagatsing to go ahead and remove the permanent structures blocking the esteros.

After golf this morning, I laid a wreath at the Unknown Soldier Tomb on the occasion of National Heroes Day.

“Anonymity in Heroism” was my theme.

Then worked on the problems tomorrow.

Parity and the Sup. Ct. Decision is still the top news. But whatever may be done, we must be fair and equitable in dealing with the Americans.