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Danilo Vizmanos

Danilo Vizmanos

(November 24, 1928 — June 23, 2008), former Captain in the Philippine Navy; in which he served until he resigned out of opposition to the dictatorship, 1951-72. Arrested by the government, May 25, 1974, held without charges until his release in August, 1976.

1 January 1973

The New Year has brought about an entirely new way of life to the Filipino people. What are the salient features of what FM proudly

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2 Jan. 1973

The B-52 massive bombing of North Vietnam aims to bring Hanoi to its knees. But at a high cost. US sources admit as many as

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3 Jan. 1973

Came across a flag officer (equivalent of general in army) in Camp Aguinaldo. He asked me if it’s true that I’m retiring from the service

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4 Jan. 1973

Malacanang propaganda campaign in high gear for “yes” vote for Marcos Constitution (MC) plebiscite. Can imagine the tremendous amount of money being shelled out to

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5 Jan. 1973

FM has come up with his latest gimmick — referendum through “citizens’ assemblies.” I’m afraid that this referendum will take the place of the plebiscite.

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6 Jan. 1973

FM has mobilized his political machinery for the referendum. He has also withdrawn the concession granted to those against the MC. Henceforth, anybody who speaks

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7 Jan. 1973

There has been a proliferation of printed material (from reformist quarters) asking the people to vote “No” in the plebiscite. Meanwhile, TV and radio are going full blast telling the people the opposite

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8 Jan. 1973

Following up retirement papers. After having made a number of difficult decisions in life, I consider my decision to retire from the service as no problem at all. Matter of fact this has been one

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10 Jan. 1973

FM and Romulo have stressed need for national security measures in light of probable end of Vietnam war, according to the papers. The trouble with the chief representatives of the ruling class – like FM and Romulo – is that they are so

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17 Jan. 1973

Received tip from NPC president Eddie Monteclaro on Supreme Court hearing on Tanada petition. Arrived at SC about 1000. Very few people present — mostly

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19 May 1974

Magsaysay Prize awardee, Mochtar Lubis, is now a political outcast in the Suharto regime. His paper has been banned by the government. He is not

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