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December 26, 1904


out for a ride over the Military Reservation and examined some magnificent views. I took Mr. Forbes to the hill where I hope ultimately to purchase a house lot.

The afternoon was spent in transacting business with various callers, and in visiting Governor and Mrs. Pack. In the evening we had a fine turkey dinner at the sanitarium.

A telegram was raceived from Captain Nathorst, who was to have accompanied me on my trip from Vigan and who was at that place purchasing necessary food and a camp outfit, stating that he had been requested frat to furnish fifty Igorrote constabulary for service in Batangas or Samar, and that he desires to go with them, as he did not know how they would behave under a strange officer. He further suggested that Mr. Kane, the supervisor cf Lepanto-Bontoc, would meet me at any point I wish to indicate and would make the trip with me, and inquired whether the suggested arrangement would be satisfactory. I wired to Colonel Baker the Acting Chief of the Constabulary, quoting Nathorst’s telegram and stating that the arrangement therein suggested would be satisfactory to me [illegible] was needed elsewhere.