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Day 32, 23 Oct. 1945 Manila

Advance Party came aboard at 0815. Sullivan and I went ashore to get speaker repaired and films exchanged; spent all day being run from one place to another; it would seem that the Army and Navy were representing diff. countries; I have never seen so much of a mess, or downright inefficiency all in one place. Thought we finally had a speaker… after calling the HQ of WESPAC, but no go; Capt. Timothy really gave me a bad time. At least I earned my raise in pay today!!

Embarked 1047 people. 84 Nurses among them. We got away at 1700. Had a talk with the Maj. today; but don’t think it did much good. Bos really cut a swath with the girls tonite… they hate him… looks like trouble ahead.